We continually look for ways to become more sustainable across all areas of our organization. And our commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) responsibility is a big part of that. Watch the video to learn how.
We formalized our ESG Policies and Procedures in 2019. We seek, at all times, to act in the best interest of our Clients.
We believe that ESG factors may materially impact the financial performance of individual securities.
We believe that ESG considerations need to be integrated into each individual investment process to effectively support overall value generation and risk management.
Learn how we integrate ESG factors, and engage with our sub-advisors on their ESG approaches.
SLGI publicly reports its sustainable investing activities and milestones in the Sun Life annual Sustainability Report.
Two Wellington PMs discuss their approach to ESG investing in their fixed income portfolios, and in particular, Sun Life Wellington Opportunistic Fixed Income. 1
Tom Murray, Managing Director, Portfolio Manager at J.P. Morgan Asset Management (manager of our Sun Life J.P. Morgan International Equity Fund) shares his team’s approach to ESG, and how he and his team are capitalizing on key ESG drivers and themes in their portfolios
Bob Kaynor, Head of U.S. Small and Mid Cap Equities with Schroders, sub-advisor to Sun Life Schroder Global Mid Cap Strategy, shares why there is a compelling opportunity to benefit from ESG investing in the global mid cap space, partially due to weaker coverage and information inefficiency around financial data.
KBI Global Investors (KBI) manages the Global Natural resources sleeve of Sun Life Multi-Strategy Real Assets Fund, which is also a holding in our Granite funds. KBI has a strong commitment to Responsible Investing (RI), and has managed RI strategies for more than three decades - long before this was a top concern for most investors. This video showcases their approach to responsible investing.
1Sun Life Opportunistic Fixed Income Segregated Fund is a segregated fund offered by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada through its Group Retirement Services platform; it invests directly in series I units of Sun Life Wellington Opportunistic Fixed Income Private Pool, a mutual fund managed by SLGI Asset Management Inc.
All investment solutions are offered as segregated funds for group retirement plans exclusively by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, through Sun Life Group Retirement Services, a member of the Sun Life group of companies.
Sun Life Global Investments is a trade name of SLGI Asset Management Inc., Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, and Sun Life Financial Trust Inc.
SLGI Asset Management Inc. is the investment manager of the Sun Life Mutual Funds.
© SLGI Asset Management Inc. and its licensors, 2024. SLGI Asset Management Inc. is a member of the Sun Life group of companies. All rights reserved.