Sun Life Global Investments offers five multi-strategy portfolios, available as segregated funds exclusively through Sun Life Group Retirement Services1:
Our portfolio management team builds broadly diversified portfolios invested with complementary sub-advisors they believe are the best in each category. The team manages the overall asset allocation across underlying strategies and managers, and can make tactical changes to mitigate risk and capitalize on opportunities.
This multi-strategy approach offers the potential to enhance the risk/return profile and reduce the variability of returns over time.
Broad diversification
Diversified by manager, sector and style (including active and passive combinations).
Open architecture, multi-manager
We have the freedom to select what we believe are the best investment strategies around the world—across any asset class, any region and any manager.
Tactical asset allocation
When short and long-term market expectations are out-of-sync, the team may temporarily shift the strategic allocation to reduce risk or take advantage of opportunities.
Continual enhancements
A formal annual review is conducted to evaluate and update the investment opportunity set, risk/return assumptions, and constraints within the context of an evolving market environment.
Allocations to:
Underlying managers:
Allocations to:
Underlying managers:
Allocations to:
Underlying managers:
Allocations to:
Underlying managers:
Allocations to:
Underlying managers:
Log in to our secure site to access investment profiles of the Sun Life Multi-Strategy Solutions.
With rising inflation, it may be a good time to consider a real assets equity solution. Watch Christine Tan, Portfolio Manager, discuss how Sun Life Multi-Strategy Real Assets can help manage inflation risk.
We believe that a multi-strategy approach provides the foundation for more consistent returns through time by bringing together a broad set of investment perspectives and styles in one solution, delivering:
The team follows a disciplined, four-step investment process to build and manage each portfolio.
Step 1: Strategic asset allocation | The team determines the long-term asset mix based on maximizing return potential for a given level of risk. |
Step 2: Manager (and fund) selection | The team takes advantage of Sun Life’s global relationships to conduct a rigorous selection process. With our open architecture approach, the team searches the globe to find world-class managers for each asset class in the Sun Life Multi-Strategy Solutions. Their goal is to select managers that they believe can provide strong, sustainable future returns, focusing on factors that help support and preserve the investment value proposition. |
Step 3: Tactical asset allocation of three levers | The team can tactically adjust the asset class and/or style weightings (including active versus passive mix) to take advantage of potentially attractive opportunities from a risk-adjusted and capital preservation perspective. Tactical shifts are gradual and made within pre-determined guidelines. |
Step 4: Portfolio monitoring and review | The team continually monitors the assumptions, models, managers and economic conditions. |
1 All investment solutions are offered as segregated funds for group retirement plans exclusively by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, through Sun Life Group Retirement Services, a member of the Sun Life group of companies.
2 Sun Life Multi-Strategy Real Assets Segregated Fund is a segregated fund offered by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada through its Group Retirement Services platform; it invests directly in series I units of Sun Life Real Assets Private Pool, a mutual fund managed by SLGI Asset Management Inc.
All information is as of June 30, 2020.
All investment solutions are offered as segregated funds for group retirement plans exclusively by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, through Sun Life Group Retirement Services, a member of the Sun Life group of companies.
Sun Life Global Investments is a trade name of SLGI Asset Management Inc., Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, and Sun Life Financial Trust Inc.
SLGI Asset Management Inc. is the investment manager of the Sun Life Mutual Funds.
© SLGI Asset Management Inc. and its licensors, 2024. SLGI Asset Management Inc. is a member of the Sun Life group of companies. All rights reserved.